U-Amp 2

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  • Regular price $25.99

Universal Appeal 

The U-Amp 2 is the only universal audio amp designed specifically for custom handheld devices. This tiny amp accepts audio from just about any game system, and supports both speakers and headphone audio with automatic switching between the two. The U-Amp 2 also supports Digital Audio on the Wii, PS2 and Dreamcast. Digital Audio allows for a cleaner, higher quality audio signal that is more resilient to interference. Analog audio input is also supported, allowing it to be used with pretty much any console.

Expanded Features. Reduced Size

Version 2 of the U-AMP packs more features into an even smaller footprint than the original. Analog volume control can now be enabled using a new jumper. A headphone jack can be soldered directly to the back of the board, increasing the the flexibility of the board. It also features castellated pads along the edges. These pads can serve as solder pads for wires, or soldered wire-free onto boards of your own design using our open-source footprints. Building a tidy, highly integrated portable has never been easier.

- Digital Audio Input (Wii, PS2, Dreamcast)
- Analog Audio Input for universal compatibility 
- In RVL-HUD mode, hold Z+Y+DU to increase the volume, and Z+Y+DD to decrease the volume. On screen indicator will indicate the volume level and if the speakers are plugged in. 
- .5 watt speaker amplifier @ 8 ohms
- 27mWatt headphone amplifier with automatic switching
- Onboard headphone jack footprint (manufacturer product number SJ-3524-SMT-TR)
- Digital and analog volume level controls, configurable by jumper
- No software required, configured using onboard solder jumpers
- Recommended speaker part# SP-1511L 


UAMP2 Drawing

UAMP2 Console Digital/Analog Audio Wiring